
Comprehensive Unity: The No Anglican Covenant Blog

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Web Site and Blog Improvements Coming

Based in part on suggestions from visitors, we will be making various changes to the No Anglican Covenant Web site over the next few days. The changes are mostly to help visitors navigate the site and learn what is available.

One change has already been implemented. At the top right of the body of most pages, a BLOG link has been added to the right of the existing SEARCH link. Clicking on BLOG takes you here to the Comprehensive Unity blog. There is also a link from the blog to the Web site, though it is a bit obscure. Click on the words WEB SITE in the blog description under the banner, and you will be taken to the Web site.

The search function on the Web site, by the way, searches not only the Web site, but this blog as well. It does not, however, search documents linked to from the Web site but hosted elsewhere.

In its short life, we have made a number of improvements to this blog as well. The latest change gives visitors the option of returning to the home page or moving forward or backward in the sequence of posts. The links for these functions can be found below the post(s) currently displayed. Links to posts prior to the first one displayed are always visible in the sidebar under the label PREVIOUS POSTS. Note, however, that the monthly archives are displayed only on the home page.

A navigation tip about this blog not everyone knows: Clicking on the banner takes you to the blog home page, and clicking on a post title takes you to the permanent home for that post.

As always, your comments and suggestions are welcome. You can send e-mail to us or simply leave a comment on this post.



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