An Interesting Book
Bob Smith, a retired US jurist has written and Lionel Deimel has published on his blog, a little book on the question of how one deals with the Biblical texts alleged by some to make any acceptance of lesbian or gay persons “unchristian.” This issue is intertwined with but separate from the questions of polity that currently trouble our communion.
In 2003, “traditionalists” and “evangelicals” were openly excited that Gene Robinson’s impending consecration was coming. They believed (and wrote) that this finally was an issue that would “rouse the pew lumps.” That is, homophobia would be the lever they could use to break the church and take over the remains.
Their project continues to this day. Mr. Smith’s booklet is an important, readable contribution to understanding one of the issues that has become intertwined because of the cynical use by some of homophobia.
When those of us who oppose the so-called “covenant” and other moves towards a centralized bureaucratic “church” speak up, the answer is seldom on point. Rather the conversation is forced to the issue of “gay bishops” or “gay marriage.” Bob Smith takes that “issue” on and “does the theology” answering the question of “biblical condemnation” and Paul’s views head on. It is a short, readable work and I commend it to you. You can find Lionel’s comments and links here
Jim’s Thoughts